Andy Annacone

Andy Annacone


Managing Director


I have led a multi-faceted career as a venture capitalist, strategic advisor, startup founder, and corporate executive; I am Managing Director at TechNexus and President at Podfund.  I believe in the power of innovation and technology to enable new business models for business—and society.

At TechNexus I work with C-Suite teams to develop and help realize new opportunities for corporate transformation, innovation, and growth. I guide our teams to define the new business models and growth opportunities made possible by emerging technologies; actively execute venture capital and corporate development initiatives to capture these opportunities; and put in place the management infrastructures needed to be successful. The outcomes of this work are both market value growth and competitive advantage.

Throughout my career, I have had the privilege to work in leadership roles in numerous disciplines.  At the beginning of my career, I founded Arthur Andersen’s Shareholder Value consulting practice and advised public company CFOs on stock market valuation.  I then held senior leadership roles at Sears and Gap in strategy and as segment CFO, leading broad transformation initiatives at both companies.  I was a Principal with management consulting firm Galt & Company, where he advised Fortune 500 CEOs on broad strategic repositioning and growth strategies. Immediately prior to TechNexus, I led Corporate Venture Capital and technology innovation at Redbox.  

When I am not innovating in business, I am innovating in education. I serve as Board Chair for EPIC Academy, a charter high-school in South Chicago on a mission to create new opportunities for life-long growth for kids. I also believe in the power of technology and new business models to redefine education and am involved with numerous initiatives working to reinvent education for the next century.

I also value spending treasured time with my wife—herself an entrepreneur—and two children.



CVC is not Monolithic: The Four Strategic Use Cases for Corporate Venture Capital

CVC is not Monolithic: The Four Strategic Use Cases for Corporate Venture Capital

Video: an Overview of Corporate VC for Founders

Video: an Overview of Corporate VC for Founders

Why We Like Clubhouse

Why We Like Clubhouse

A New Management Orientation for the Digital Economy

A New Management Orientation for the Digital Economy

A New Chapter for Podfund

A New Chapter for Podfund

The New Playbook for Growth in the Age of Digital Transformation

The New Playbook for Growth in the Age of Digital Transformation

Innovation is not innovation... ...It's strategy

Innovation is not innovation... ...It's strategy

How to Collaborate with Corporate Venture Capital

How to Collaborate with Corporate Venture Capital

The 4 Types of Digital Transformation

The 4 Types of Digital Transformation