
Headphones are now the most widely used form of listening to media. Dysonics has developed audio technology designed to change the headphone listening experience. Their technology builds on over fifteen years of research in psychoacoustics and sound modeling by a team of visionaries who have worked with UC Davis, Stanford University, University of Texas, Microsoft, […]


The various uses of an API extend past just speech recognition. Assembly AI has developed a speech recognition system designed to automate audio transcriptions. Their system uses artificial intelligence to upload industry-specific words, names, or phrases for transcription of streaming audio in real-time, enabling developers to build customized chat interfaces easily, quickly, and inexpensively. Their […]


Artificial intelligence can be used to reduce and maximize the energy that businesses use in daily operations. Aspinity has developed neuromorphic all-analog signal-processing circuits designed to extract relevant data from the physical world. The company’s circuits leverage new developments in artificial intelligence and machine learning to focus on early cues before turning on higher power […]


Musical expression is now accessible to all. Artiphon has developed instruments to help create songs with intuitive gestures like tapping, sliding, and waving. Artiphon has built-in speakers and can switch between guitar, violin, piano, and drums at the press of a button. It’s the first MIDI controller that lets you strum, bow, tap, slide, and […]